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Veliko Tarnovo: Over 203,000 Tourists Visit Local Museums in the First 6 Months of the Year

Veliko Tarnovo. 203,253 tourists visited the museum sites in Veliko Tarnovo in the first half of the year, compared to 202,895 visitors in the same period last year, Sonya Petrova, PR manager at the Regional Museum of History, told Focus Radio. “The increase was minimal, but here is the trend. It continued also in the seventh month of the year, July, with a slight annual increase,” said Sonya Petrova, reporting of 60,705 Bulgarian tourists and 87,094 foreigners. She stressed that visitors are coming from all continents. Tourists from neighbour Romania were the largest group, nearly 15,000. There were also 9,000 from France, 5,500 from the UK and Spain each, about 6,000 from China and a similar number from other Asian countries. Tourists from North America – the US, Canada, Mexico – are cruisers getting to Veliko Tarnovo from Danube ports, their number was 17,296. The number of tourists from New Zealand and Australia stood at 1,530, followed by South America with 517, and Africa with 92.
Most Bulgarian tourists are families which travel around the country and on their way to or from the sea visit Veliko Tarnovo. The city offers two-day combined tickets, individual and for families.
There are young tourists from all over Europe travelling in groups, but the general trend for visitors over 60 is maintained, said Sonya Petrova.

FOCUS News Agency

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